
This spreadsheet provides projected population size of South Africa at national, provincial, district and local municipality levels disaggregated by age and population group for the period 2019-2020.

The spreadsheet also provides population size of special age groups by province. Technical details of the projections are provided in a separate report. The figures provided are strictly projections and should be interpreted as indicative.

They should not be interpreted as population forecasts or population predictions as no one can accurately forecast future population size. It is the expectation of this author that the figures provided would aid planning and decision at all administrative levels (except at ward level) in the public and private sectors in the country.

Researchers needing population figures may also find the spread useful.


Although the author, using quality control measures to minimise errors in the projections, accuracy of the figures cannot be guaranteed. The use of these figures is therefore at users’ risk. The purchase and use of the figures in this spreadsheet is acceptance of this indemnity by users.

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This spreadsheet provides projected population size of South Africa at national, provincial, district and local municipality levels disaggregated by age and population group for the period 2019-2020.

The spreadsheet also provides population size of special age groups by province. Technical details of the projections are provided in a separate report. The figures provided are strictly projections and should be interpreted as indicative.

They should not be interpreted as population forecasts or population predictions as no one can accurately forecast future population size. It is the expectation of this author that the figures provided would aid planning and decision at all administrative levels (except at ward level) in the public and private sectors in the country.

Researchers needing population figures may also find the spread useful.

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